We have sold a property at 3751 Cadboro Bay Rd in Saanich

We have sold a property at 3751 Cadboro Bay Rd in Saanich. See details here

Attention Investors! This is an opportunity to create value by updating an original house or to build new in a sought-after location close to the Uplands border. The character 4 bed/ 2 bath home features ocean views, with 4 beds / 2 baths over two levels including a primary bed on the main. There is classic styling throughout, with oak and fir floors, built-in bookshelves and a large eat-in kitchen. Natural beauty abounds on this 15,767 SF lot, with terraced beds that lead to a tranquil natural pond below. Best of all there is direct access from the yard to a quiet lane that takes you to Gyro Park beach just 300m away. Walking distance to Cadboro Bay Village, UVIC, restaurants, coffee shops, and Uplands Golf Course - you couldn’t ask for a more convenient location. Great value at a price that is more than $200,000 below assessment!

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